Build an App for Your WordPress Website with Mobiloud

Mobiloud is a WordPress plugin that helps you build a native application of your website for the iOS and Android platforms. This will allow users to view the content from your website directly through a user-friendly application on their phone or tablet. A dedicated mobile application is used by a …


Website Builders

11 Website Builders to Help You Create the Perfect Website

Website builders help you create professional websites in minutes. They can be used to create blogs, business websites, resumes, online portfolios, eCommerce stores and more. All you have to do is select a pre-made website design, move things around using a drag and drop page builder and then add your …


Boxer Fist

Case Study: Selling an Old Website at a Huge Loss

It is common for those who work online to share their successes with the world. Whether it be a successful launch of a new product, a new sales record or a new social media milestone, people who work online do like to pay themselves on the back to demonstrate social …



HostUp – A New Budget Website Hosting Company

HostUp is a new budget website hosting service that offers shared hosting and Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting. Their shared hosting plans are also available as WordPress hosting plans, but behind the scenes you will be getting the same allocation of resources. Hostup markets itself as being an affordable hosting …


How To Tell Visitors Your Website is Secure

If you want to know the unmistakable signs that tell you whether your site is secure or not, look no further because you happen to be exactly where you need to be right now. Some of your web platform’s functional aspects can reveal a lot of things about how secure …


SEO Words

SEO Tips For a Search Engine Friendly Website

The optimisation efforts you put forth on your website should all tie together in bettering the user experience. The different techniques vary, for both on-page and off-page SEO. Your web design provides a presentable front that represents your brand to the world and what you rank for is as important …


Crello Review – Beautiful Designs for Websites & Social Media

Crello is a user-friendly online design service that gives you access to thousands of free templates. All of the designs available on Crello are high-quality images and videos that were created by professionals. They can be used for print, for social media, for websites, for online ads, for marketing, for …


Backing Up My WordPress Website with BlogVault

Throughout December I addressed multiple hosting and website related issues. This includes migrating many websites from a dedicated server on OVH to Vultr, moving this website to Wetopi, and cancelling my VaultPress subscription. I had used VaultPress for several years to handle external website backups, however their service has went …


Wetopi – A Great Solution for Low Traffic WordPress Websites

The managed WordPress hosting market is extremely competitive. It originally started out as a niche service, however over the last few years we have seen established shared hosting and VPS hosting companies target the WordPress market (SiteGround are a good example of this). As someone who has been using cPanel …